Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Getting enough sleep is a major part of health. In order to heal completely, have vibrant energy, stay young, and maintain a desirable weighSleep-Naked-featuredt   you must get adequate sleep on a regular basis.

Sleeping between 7-9 hours each night of unbroken rest is highly recommended. There are many reasons why a person’s rest can be broken and likewise there are many different ways that one may go about increasing sleep. One simple way to increase your health and get a better night’s sleep is to ditch the PJ’s and go commando! Continue reading

Health Quote 09-10-14

“No one has ever had a home nor any acreage to take care of in which they did not have to consider the elimination of waste.”

– Dr. Bernard Jensen

Just like you have to consider where your waste is going to go in your home or on your land, you must consider where your personal waste goes.  Your personal waste is much more important than the waste in your home, so be sure to optimize elimination of your waste.  Go Poop!

In Practical Health,

Dr. Tursha’ Hamilton


Health Quote 08-27-14

“All healing occurs from within out, from the head down, and in the reverse order in which the symptoms have appeared.”

-Hering’s Law of Cure

When you actually heal, your body does so in a very systematic way.  Keep this in mind.  You may not see the results you want to see, when you want to see them, but do know that healing IS occurring.  Pay closer attention to yourself, your body, and your life.  Take in and appreciate the small changes.  If you happen to have an exacerbation of symptoms… that’s not necessarily a bad thing!  That actually might mean that you are heading in the right direction.  Don’t despair!!!  Celebrate it… with your health care professional.  🙂

In Practical Health,

Dr. Tursha’ Hamilton


Meet Safari Black – Vegan Hip Hop Artist

I LOVE food!!! I grew up in  a city that is known for good food, so I couldn’t help but have an affinity for it… and even at times be a little bit of a food snob.  I think food is the key to life.  I know for sure that it’s the key to many of the illnesses that our society is facing today.

I LOVE health!!! As I am on my journey to better health for myself and my community, I can’t help but get excited about all the new things I am learning & experiencing all while helping others along their own health journey.

I LOVE music!!!  I grew up in a music town (New Orleans) so music was, is and always will be a part of my life.  It is an amazing healer.  It brings people together.  It changes moods.  It changes lives. Continue reading

6 Ways to Laugh More

“It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time.  Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either.”

– Wayne Dyer

Laughter is a necessary part of good health.  If you want to we well and heal holistically, then you absolutely MUST add more smiles and laughs to your life.  This will heal you not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually as well.  Isn’t that amazing!  Well, here are 6 easy ways to add more laughter.  Get ready to L.O.L.!play twister Continue reading